

AIRSTRIDE®: Creating a sustainable future.

Sustainability refers to the responsible use of resources and practices that ensure the long-term health and well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

It involves reducing waste and pollution, promoting renewable energy, and addressing social and economic inequality. Achieving sustainability requires a shift in practices towards more responsible and equitable use of natural resources.

Sustainability in practice

We’ve adopted lean manufacturing with high quality control to reduce waste and small production runs to limit excess inventory holding and overproduction.

Our team uses recycled materials where possible, and at the least, recyclable material across our product packaging and office spaces.

We’ve limited all excess packaging of the product from our manufacturer and have chosen recycled mailers on it’s journey to our customers.

Our team works to reduce waste and promote sustainability through technology, digitalisation and making environmentally friendly choices in everyday life.

Our core sustainability initiatives:


Responsible consumption refers to using AIRSTRIDE® business resources and energy efficiently.

As a business, we choose more sustainable options like using compostable and recycled/recyclable materials in our packaging, processes and day to day administrative choices. We choose to digitise as much as we can, reducing paper consumption and waste.

AIRSTRIDE® also makes conscious choices to utilise logistics minimising our fuel consumption.


Responsible lean manufacturing requires sustainable choices about product creation that minimises waste without compromising our productivity.

AIRSTRIDE® products hold value for customers in an offering that’s unique. With “fast fashion” prevalent in todays society, we have mapped our value stream and created a flow of production that is simplified and “lean”.

Our processes ensure we do not “over-produce” and hold excess inventory. We have a strict quality assurance system that ensures limited defects with our products.